Reading and then writing it down.

I read books, and subsequently obsess. I tend to find books I love so much that I'm tempted to physically eat the pages, only to discover that there is virtually no fandom space online for the series. I don't feel capable or polished enough to build a fanwiki, nor do I want to contend with that interface. Thankfully, I have decade-old html skills I'm willing to dust off and use for...this.

Current books being read and notated:

This will be updated sporadically and inconsistently. I need to re-learn numerous things about building a website, but given the glacial pace at which I naturally read, this was never going to be an instantaneous project anyway. I simply think these titles deserve to have somebody shouting into the void about them--and perhaps the act of compiling all this shit will make it easier for me to eventually contribute to a proper wiki. In the meantime, enjoy a relic in the making.